Category: Glastonbury

Find out all the latest news and offers that we have here at The Middlewick

careers glastonbury

Job Opportunities at Middlewick

Job Opportunities Glastonbury [..]

Winter Solstice in Glastonbury

The Winter Solstice is an important time in many cultures [..]

Somerset Food Trail Festival 2023

Here at The Middlewick, we are excited to announce that we will be taking part in The Somerset Food Trail Festival 2023, which celebrate the best, most sustainably produced local [..]

Glastonbury Festival 2023

Glastonbury Festival is always fun for us here at Middlewick [..]

Beltane or May Day Celebrations in Glastonbury

Beltane or May Day Celebrations take place in Glastonbury on the First Weekend of May every year. It is a pagan tradition to celebrate the arrival of spring. [..]

7 Things to Do in Glastonbury in January

There are so many things to do in Glastonbury and in Somerset. Here are just a few I have come up with to give you some ideas. January is a [..]

Wassailling – A winter tradition in Somerset

Until I moved to Somerset I had never heard the word Wassail before. I quickly learned that a Somerset Wassail is a Winter tradition that has been going on for [..]

Glastonbury Frost Fayre

Glastonbury Frost Fayre is a wonderful event that takes place in Glastonbury in November. [..]

Glastonbury Carnival Weekend

If you have not experienced a Carnival before than this is the weekend to visit Glastonbury. Over 30,000 people descend on our little town for the Grand Finale of the [..]

Best Foot Forward – The Walk From Middlewick to Glastonbury High Street

We have plenty of walks right here on our doorstep and whether you are looking for a gentle stroll, an energetic yomp, a walk with a clear destination in mind [..]

Upcycled Building Project for Glastonbury Spa at Middlewick

Over the past year we have been busy with our Upcycled Building Project for Glastonbury Spa at Middlewick. A few years ago Jill purchased a timber framed building on Ebay. [..]

The Red Dress Project Visits Somerset

Kirstie Macleod, an artist from Somerset started The Red Dress Embroidery project with the hope of helping marginalised women tell their stories through embroidery. After 12 years in the making [..]

Middlewick on Channel 4 Four in a Bed

Make sure and watch out for Middlewick on Channel 4 Four in a Bed on Tuesday November 9th at 5pm. Way back in March in the middle of Lockdown Jill [..]

A trip up Glastonbury Tor with Baby- guest blog by Integra Baby Carrier

Sarah Sadler who owns the company is a regular visitor to Middlewick. She shares her memories of baby carrying up Glastonbury Tor with us here on the Middlewick Blog. [..]

Spa At Middlewick, Glastonbury

The Glastonbury Spa at Middlewick is a space to unwind in the meadow gardens, airy spaces designed to connect you to the outdoors. luxury shepherd’s hut treatment rooms with amazing [..]

Business Events Venue of the Year in the Somerset Tourism Awards

What makes a Business Events Venue? Well that was the question I asked when I saw the category on the awards application form. [..]

Winter Walks around Middlewick in Glastonbury

Winter is a great time to take advantage of the many walks around Middlewick and Glastonbury. The Glastonbury Town Map shows Glastonbury walking routes. A copy of the map can [..]

Great Somerset Crane Project

In 2010 the Great Somerset Crane Project began. The idea was to reintroduce a bird that had been extinct in Britain for over 400 years, the common Crane. The crane [..]

Try Something Different in 2020 – 8 Experiences to Try Out in Somerset

New Year, New Experiences. Want to do something different this year? Here are 7 things you may never have tried and they are all here on our doorstep in Somerset. [..]

Glastonbury Mural Trail

As part of Somerset Arts Weeks Glastonbury has entered the Glastonbury Mural Trail as an art exhibition in the town. Middlewick has been involved with the Glastonbury Mural Trail project [..]
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